The USB DAQ you don’t know you have

Do you happen to own a USB hub? And a computer? Yes? Well, you've got a USB DAQ!

Of course, as with any DAQ, you need to buy sensors to generate the data and a computer to interact with it. So when we talk about a USB DAQ, we really are talking about the media that connects the sensors to the computer and the software functions that allow you to interact with your data.

But unlike other USB DAQ solutions, with Dracal, the USB HUB you may already have somewhere on your benchtop can be used as the DAQ gateway. With any other solution, you'd also have to buy an "acquisition module" (which is usually quite expensive!) and, most of the time, the software tools to interact with your data.

Are all the functionalities required by a DAQ available with the Dracal USB DAQ solution? For fun, let's ask Chat GPT what a DAQ should do:


Now let's see if, with a USB HUB, a Dracal sensor and its free data integration and visualization toolkit, we can tick all the boxes:



1. Although we talk about "data" acquisition, Dracal offers a "measurement" acquisition system in the sense that you have direct access to accurate, reliable and meaningful data. Signal processing is already handled inside the instrument.
2. In USB mode, data sampling can be performed using Dracal tools (DracalView GUI, command line tools). In VCP mode, you can control the polling rate returned by the instrument directly via the "POLL" command.
3. DracalView's graphical interface offers 4-click data logging functionality. You can also use the ready-to-use code examples with our integration tools to script a short data-logging task.
4. Use our ready-made code examples and integration tools to manipulate your data. Basic data processing is also possible in DracalView, using mathematical channels.
5. That's what the DracalView graphical interface is for!
6,7 & 8: Your data are yours! If you're in USB mode, use our integration tools (automatically installed with the DracalView download) to manipulate your data. In VCP mode, you don't need to use our tools. Access your data directly from any standard COM interface and communication system you wish. In both cases (USB and VCP), use our ready-to-use code examples to access your data quickly. You're then free to program any task using your real-time data flow!

Tip: If you are a LabVIEW user, you can quickly get started with our LabVIEW integration examples (CLI example, VCP example).

So, where is the catch? Well, there is none. Take a look at our case studies and usage situations. Dracal users are unanimous: they can't believe how quick and simple measurement acquisition can be.

The typical journey of a new Dracal user is as simple as this:
1. Find the Dracal Instruments adapted to your measurement needs and purchase them, either on our website or through one of our distribution partners.
2. Install DracalView on your computer (it is supported on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux). This installs the DracalView GUI and CLI tools.
3. After receiving your instrument, plug it into your computer and quickly view your data with DracalView GUI. Play around with it.
4. Depending on whether you're working in USB or VCP mode, look at the integration examples available for both communication options.
5. Choose the one you want to work with, copy and paste it, adapt it a bit to match your own instrument channels and serial number, and you are started.

Once you have your instruments, steps 2 to 5 can be completed in less than an hour.

Still not sure if Dracal is for you? You can overview Dracal's offer here to quickly determine if this solution is right for you. You can also learn what Dracal's solution doesn't do.