Modular Instrument Integration
(MII) solution for OEM
Help your users meet regulatory needs without extra customer support with Dracal’s quick-to-integrate and easy-to-operate precision sensor solution.
Help your users meet regulatory needs without extra customer support with Dracal’s quick-to-integrate and easy-to-operate precision sensor solution.
Dracal’s unique Modular Instrument Integration solution allows OEMs to integrate portable high-precision instruments into their products and solutions effortlessly. Here’s what OEMs appreciate about Dracal’s MII solution:
Dracal’s unique Modular Instrument Integration solution allows OEMs to integrate portable high-precision instruments into their products and solutions effortlessly. Here’s what OEMs appreciate about Dracal’s MII solution:
Would your end-users benefit from access to precision data? In no time at all, upgrade your product with traceable, calibratable and accurate environmental data, and tap into growing unmet needs.
The Dracal Mix & Match USB-connected instrument ecosystem is designed to simplify operation and maintenance. Utilize a USB connection for easy installation and maintenance. Develop your integration bridge just once and provide your end-users with unlimited access to a complete ecosystem of precision instruments. Eliminate calibration downtime for your end-users with our Plug & Play precision sensing solution.
Dracal’s user-accessible calibration system significantly reduces end-user support. With Dracal’s calibratable instruments, empower your end-users to efficiently manage future calibration and maintenance tasks. Utilize the free DracalView software to calibrate Dracal instruments on any operating system in any laboratory. Enhance end-user satisfaction by enabling them to select their preferred calibration Laboratory.
Dracal simplifies integration to its core. Utilize our ready-made code examples and quickly develop a fully license-free solution with our COM communicating instruments (VCP option). Integration takes just a few moments without relying on third-party software, licenses, updates, etc.
Don’t let the risk of future support hold you back. We have a dedicated team to answer any questions end-users may have about using Dracal products, being the purchaser or not.
Data is the currency of the future and standards in demanding industries rely on it to drive manufacturers toward continuous improvement. If your end-user is industrial or scientific, the question isn’t whether they need precision environmental data but who can provide it?
Read our case studies :
Dracal’s unique Modular Instrument Integration solution allows OEMs to integrate portable high-precision instruments into their products and solutions effortlessly. Here’s what OEMs appreciate about Dracal’s MII solution:
Select calibratable Dracal instruments
that support Virtual COM Protocol
Contact us, tell us about your project, and we’ll quickly determine if there’s a fit.
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